Wednesday, March 16, 2011

MOVIE REVIEW: Trick 'r Treat

Trick 'r Treat ~ 2/5
Here's what says:
Trick 'r Treat(Trick or Treat) 2008 R 82 minutes
In writer-director Michael Dougherty's fright fest, Halloween's usually boisterous traditions turn deadly, and everyone in a small town tries to survive one night in pure hell … but who will still be alive in the morning? Several stories weave together, including a loner fending off a demented trick-or-treater's attacks; kids uncovering a freaky secret; a school principal -- who moonlights as a serial killer -- poisoning his candy; and more.
My thoughts ~
I was looking forward to this movie, but once we sat down to watch it, I couldn't get into it for anything! It was hard to follow, confusing & just not scary!

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